Some places we travel to we soon forget or never care to revisit. Then there are those that we hope we have the chance to one day revisit while trusting they live up to our memories. One of those places for me is the Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy. I was lucky to go there on two separate trips but still long to revisit.

Founded officially in 1612, although actually dating back to 1221 at the arrival of the Dominican friars in Florence, the Officina is one of the world's oldest pharmacies. Hallways showcase a range of preparations and products, including perfumes, essences, soaps, unguents, spirits, balsams, colognes, aromatic vinegars, and liqueurs, all still made in accordance with the ancient formulas. The frescoed rooms of the Officina are a museum of original furnishings and the ancient tools of the pharmaceutical trade.

The pharmacy is located in a chapel that once belonged to the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria Novella. Stepping into the pharmacy is like stepping into a museum.

A hearty hello to all.
Image from here.